About Me

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Hi, my name is Michelle Robin and I’m an Energy Weaver. Thank you for visiting my website. Here is a little bit about me and my journey. I was raised on a small farm in Boise, Idaho back when it was just farmlands and fields. With unlimited access to the outdoors, trees, flowers, garden, and farm animals, I developed my connection to all living things. I have been on a path of self-discovery for as long as I can remember; always seeking wisdom and truth. My journey led me to teachers who show me how to look within myself, heal past wounds, connect with the Elements, and rediscover and embrace the strength, courage, and beauty of life that connects us all. My life was forever changed after my second Reiki attunement. A fire deep in my soul was ignited and my purpose realized; to help bring Harmony to people’s lives. I am an Energy Weaver who channels Reiki and Universal Energy; grasping intuitive patterns of light to weave into the aura and subtle energy body. I’m blessed to be able to follow my passion, which is service to others. I am honored to hold space for you and assist you on your spiritual journey.
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